163 research outputs found

    Generation of seed perturbations from Quantum Cosmology

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    The origin of seed perturbations in the Universe is studied within the framework of a specific minisuperspace model. It is shown that the `creation' of the Universe as a result of a quantum transition from a flat empty spacetime would lead to a flat FLRW (Friedmann Lema\^\i tre Robertson-Walker) Universe with weak inhomogeneous perturbations at large wavelengths. The power spectrum of these perturbations is found to be scale invariant at horizon crossing (i.e., the Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum). It is also recognised that the seed perturbations generated in our model would be generically of the isocurvature kind.Comment: Plain Tex 24 Page

    Suppressing CMB low multipoles with ISW effect

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    Recent results of Planck data reveal that the power in the low multipoles of the CMB angular power spectrum, approximately up to l=30l=30, is significantly lower than the theoretically predicted in the best fit Λ\LambdaCDM model. In this paper we investigate the possibility of invoking the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect to explain this power deficit at low multipoles. The ISW effect that originates from the late time expansion history of the universe is rich in possibilities given the limited understanding of the origin of dark energy (DE). It is a common understanding that the ISW effect adds to the power at the low multipoles of the CMB angular power spectrum. In this paper we carry out an analytic study to show that there are some expansion histories in which the ISW effect, instead of adding power, provides negative contribution to the power at low multipoles. Guided by the analytic study, we present examples of the features required in the late time expansion history of the universe that could explain the power deficiency through the ISW effect. We also show that an ISW origin of power deficiency is consistent, at present, with other cosmological observations that probe the expansion history such as distance modulus, matter power spectrum and the evolution of cluster number count. We also show that the ISW effect may be distinguished from power deficit originating from features in the PPS using the measurements of the CMB polarization spectrum at low multipoles expected from Planck. We conclude that the power at low multipoles of the CMB anisotropy could well be closely linked to Dark Energy puzzle in cosmology and this observation could be actually pointing to richer phenomenology of DE beyond the cosmological constant Λ\Lambda. (abbreviated)Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    SCoPE: An efficient method of Cosmological Parameter Estimation

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    Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler is widely used for cosmological parameter estimation from CMB and other data. However, due to the intrinsic serial nature of the MCMC sampler, convergence is often very slow. Here we present a fast and independently written Monte Carlo method for cosmological parameter estimation named as Slick Cosmological Parameter Estimator (SCoPE), that employs delayed rejection to increase the acceptance rate of a chain, and pre-fetching that helps an individual chain to run on parallel CPUs. An inter-chain covariance update is also incorporated to prevent clustering of the chains allowing faster and better mixing of the chains. We use an adaptive method for covariance calculation to calculate and update the covariance automatically as the chains progress. Our analysis shows that the acceptance probability of each step in SCoPE is more than 95%95\% and the convergence of the chains are faster. Using SCoPE, we carry out some cosmological parameter estimations with different cosmological models using WMAP-9 and Planck results. One of the current research interests in cosmology is quantifying the nature of dark energy. We analyze the cosmological parameters from two illustrative commonly used parameterisations of dark energy models. We also asses primordial helium fraction in the universe can be constrained by the present CMB data from WMAP-9 and Planck. The results from our MCMC analysis on the one hand helps us to understand the workability of the SCoPE better, on the other hand it provides a completely independent estimation of cosmological parameters from WMAP-9 and Planck data.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, 2 table
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